Quality of Life (Banja Luka) 6(3-4): 95-100


Mr Sandra Ivanović
University of East Sarajevo, Academy of Music


Abstract: Music, from its beginning to present time, most directly influences the spiritual development of man. From its beginning, through ancient civilizations to the present time, music has had an immeasurably important role in the formation of personality and, according to recent studies, a very important role in the influence on human health. Music therapy, as a separate branch of medicine, deals with the beneficial effect of music on the disorders in personality development, the treatment of various psychiatric disorders, as well as other kinds of diseases.

This paper will show the effects, particularly in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, because of the social events of the past few decades, of various musical trends which affect negatively the development of the spiritual side of the personality, and have long-term consequences on the understanding and building up the value system. Additional exposure to media propagation of such music trends, and the negative effects that it entails, requires restoring the true values of art music.

Keywords: influence of music, music therapy, identity crisis, classical music, spiritual development

QOL - Vol 6 Issue 3-4-Sandra Ivanovic.pdf202.9 KB