Motion and Dance as a Type of Therapy With Working With Children/People With Developmental Difficulties

Andrea Gračanin

Graduate Medical Nursing, High school center “Gemit-Apeiron“, Banja Luka, RS, BIH,

Abstract: Besides the standard treatments that are nowadays used with working with children/people with developmental diffi culties and the obligatory aspect of schooling, active free time is also very important for maintaining and improving psychological, motoric and social abilities of children/people with developmental diffi culties. Active free time contributes to developing of creativity, satisfaction of one’s own life, personality development, and therefore it improves the quality of life itself. The main aim of this research is observation and assessment of motoric abilities of children/people with developmental diffi culties, before and after conducting continuous activities in the form of traditional dance i.e. play games as well as the infl uence on the quality of life. The evaluation of motoric abilities has been done by defectologists before performing an adjusted work program and after completion, in which, using quantitative and qualitative analysis, the progress has been established in segments such as motoric body control, motion coordination of upper extremities, motion coordination of upper and lower extremities and motion coordination of upper and lower extremities by rhythm. Active participation and cooperation between participants, infl uenced improvement of social skills and the easier overcoming of problems in the group, creative and active free time and improvement of life quality. Based on obtained result, one should strive to adopt new creative ways of working with children/people with developmental diffi culties in order to gain comprehensive holistic and rehabilitation approach.
Keywords: children/people with developmental diffi culties, free time, life quality, motion and dance.
QOL-Vol-12-Issue-1-2-13-22.pdf282.68 KB