Quality of Life publishes original research papers and reviews and aims to provide a forum for the rapid dissemination of significant novel research in the various disciplines encompassing the Science and Technology of Food, Public health engineering, Sanitary inspection and control, Environmental and Public Health.

Quality of Life publishes original scientific papers, preliminary communications, professional papers, scientific notes and reviews:

Original scientific papers report unpublished results of original research. They must contain significant and original observations to be critically evaluated. Experimental data should be presented in a way that enables reproduction and verification of analyses and deductions on which the conclusions are based.

Preliminary communications include short information on the results of scientific research which require immediate publication.

Scientific notes include reports on shorter but completed research or descriptions of original laboratory techniques (methods, apparatus etc.) and should be concise.

Reviews are original, critical and up-to-date  surveys of an area in which, preferably, the author himself/herself is active. They should include recent references from international publications.

Professional papers present new possibilities of improvement within areas of science. The emphasis is on the application of known methods and facts as well as on broadening the knowledge in the particular area. The acquired knowledge is applied to the object of research.

Difference between scientific and professional papers is in their original results and conclusions as well as method used. Although professional paper may be more useful for the application it is not considered as a new scientific contribution.

Papers previously reported at a congress, symposium etc. will be published only if they have not previously been published in proceedings. However, these papers are subject to regular editorial procedure, i.e. evaluation by referees and revision.



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