Risk Factors for Overweight and Obesity in Children and Adolescents

Vinka Brcic Halilagic, Radojka Bijelic, Ċ½eljka Cvijetic

Bihac Secondary School of Medicine, Pan-European University Apeiron, Faculty of Health Sciences
ABSTRACT: Obesity among children and adolescents can be characterized as a worrying public health problem in the 21st century. The timeline covering the last three decades records the growth of the prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents. The consequences of obesity are incalculable because they lead to many chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, endocrinological, gastrointestinal diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system as well as psychological diseases. The risk factors of excess body weight and obesity are associated with the disproportion between caloric intake and physical inactivity as the main factors, and other important factors that can lead to the development of the disease (genetic, endocrine, social environment and socioeconomic factors) should not be underestimated. The aim of the work is to point out the risk factors that can lead to the development of obesity in childhood and the adequate measures for the primary prevention of this disease. Research methods. The paper used relevant literature data that indicate risk factors for the development of obesity in children and adolescents, the importance of their early detection as well as prevention measures. Conclusion. Direct the health policy towards the goal of identifying overweight children and adolescents in order to reduce the risk of developing obesity in adulthood. Prevention should include educational programs for children and adolescents with the aim of acquiring knowledge, but also changing habits related to nutrition, physical activity and lifestyle.
Keywords: children, adolescents, overweight, obesity, risk factors, chronic diseases, prevention
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