Quality of Life (Banja Luka) 7(3-4): 0-0


Application of Pollution Indices for Evaluation of Long-Term Accumulation
of Heavy Metals in Lake Modrac in Bosnia and Hercegovina

University of Tuzla, Faculty of science, Tuzla, nusreta.djonlagic@untz.ba


Abstract: In this study the results of a 15-year long monitoring survey on heavy metals in water at Lake Modrac were assessed using pollution indices of heavy metals, such as Heavy metal pollution index HPI, Heavy metal evaluation index HEI and the Degree of contamination CD. The results of the survey on heavy metal pollution of sediment conducted in 2015 were used as input data for the following pollution indices: Concentration factor Cif, Pollution load index PLI, Enrichment factor EF, Index of geo-accumulation Igeo, Ecological risk factor Eir, Potential ecological risk index to the water-body, RI. The results showed a good correlation and the lake sediment was characterized as polluted. Enrichment factors and indices of geo-accumulation of heavy metals were indicated as very high enriched in the sediment, and have been identified as an anthropogenic source of pollution. Cumulative presence in the sediment is assessed through the pollution index, RI, and has been assessed as moderate ecological risk to the lake water-body. The application of pollution indices presents a valuable tool in assessing the long-term pollution status of Lake Modrac.


Keywords: Heavy metals, pollution index, natural waters, sediment pollution, pollution status, ecological risk to water-body

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