As Editor-in-Chief of the journal Quality of Life, I look forward to the challenge of creating a journal that will enhance the quality of research in the various disciplines encompassing the Science and technology of food, Public health engineering, Sanitary inspection and control, Environmental and public health in our country, region as well as at the international level. The goal that we have set is high but not unachievable. The journal Quality of Life was registered in the Register of Public Media in 2010 by the Decision of the RS Ministry of Education and Culture. Over the past years, this journal has published a large number of original scientifi c research papers, communications and review papers. Quality of Life is published twice a year by Pan-European University “Apeiron” Banja Luka. All the papers published so far have undergone a thorough review by the editorial board and the reviewers, made up of experts from both RS/B&H, the surrounding and other countries, from proven and recognized university and research institutions. As a result of a professional approach to selecting and reviewing papers, and raising the quality of the journal, Quality of Life was classifi ed in the fi rst category of journals in 2019 by the Ministry of Education and Culture.We are proud to say that Quality of Life has been well received by the scientifi c and the general pub-lic in a relatively short period of time, which gives the editorial board a strong motivation for further work. The editorial team would like to thank our many reviewers who helped to maintain the journal standard; our many authors who submitted their best work to the journal; and, most important, our readers for your continuing support. I shall assure all our readers that our consistent eff orts will be aimed toward increasing the visibility, impact, editorial cycle time, citations and the overall quality of our journals. We very much look forward to strengthening the reputation of our publications, and we want to attract more higher-quality submissions. I hope our readers and patrons share a similar vision, and we look forward to a productive, challenging and successful 2020 ahead. In the spirit of continuous improvement, any constructive input on streamlining our processes is very welcome. Please help us grow by citing articles that you read in Quality of Life. We look forward to receiving your contributions in the near future.


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